The art I create is inspired by the 5 boroughs of NYC, the music I love, and most of all the colors I like to see. I primarily use acrylic on canvas but some other mixed media comes into play in some pieces.

My process is ever-evolving but generally starts by cranking up the music and then squeezing, brushing, rubbing, or throwing paint onto a canvas. After it starts looking like an abstract painting that would look good on its own, I start looking for shapes and characters within the piece. My work then is to bring those characters to life and add meaning to the final work of art.

I have always been in love with art. I grew up in Queens, NY, just a few minutes from some of the best art museums and galleries in the world, I never felt it was part of my world though. I thought art was something that other people got to make and have in their homes.

I never gave up on my love for art and occasionally would produce something that made me happy. In 2019 something changed though. I threw myself into painting like I never had before and people started to respond to what I was creating.

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